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Difference between a Care Home and a Nursing Home

A care home is a broad phrase for a residential facility that offers care or nursing services. The primary distinction between a nursing home and a residential care facility is that a nursing home is required to have a licenced nurse on staff at all times to provide medical care. Both types of facilities offer …

Nursing Home or Assisted Living

Choosing a nursing home for a loved one can be difficult. The facility must meet the needs of both the resident and their family. It is essential to visit several facilities before making a final decision. The first step in choosing a nursing home is identifying the type of care needed. Many people choose to …

Working in a Nursing Home

A nursing home is a place that provides care for the elderly, including personal and medical care, food and activities to its residents. Some nursing homes provide long-term care, while others offer short-term care. Nursing homes are staffed with nurses, doctors, aides, social workers, dietitians, therapists, and other professionals. Working in a nursing home is …

Do you need help from a carer?

As we get older, we need to decide if we wish to stay living in our own homes or move to a residential home.  Suppose you chose to stay within your own home; you might benefit from a carer to help with your day to daycare. This is especially important if you do not have …

So why book a paediatric first aid course?

Paediatric First Aid courses are becoming more and more popular, with the majority of parents deciding to take this step in order to help keep their children safe at all times. This can be an extremely rewarding way to spend some time, even if you only choose the basic training module. So what are some …